Postcard Sender

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Eating Out (of Indonesia)

I never thought buying food can be this troublesome and time consuming before I came to Hungary. First of all Hungary is not a muslim country and only a few muslim live here. Halal food is rare and I haven't found any product which has halal stamp on it yet. I should read through all the ingredients before deciding to buy something. Since almost all the product use Hungarian language, it's hubby's job to scan all what are written there. We might also necessary to check the food ingredients numbers that written with the letter E in the beginning, for instance: E 441 stand for gelatin*. Complicated, huh?

**We hate you coz we can't eat you..mhuahahaa.. -kidding.

Second, we ( Hubby and I) are not muslim who believe it's ok to eat any meat but pork. That's make our problem double. We don't eat meat ( beef, chicken, turkeys..etc) from common places here which are obviously not slaughtered in Islam way. Halal butchery is rare and the place is far from home. Needless to say, I become a temporarily vegetarian. Vegetable and fish are my daily menu. Eating out is the same. Hubby has to scan all the food in the menu that has no meat (any kind) or alcohol. In a food court he just says :" haram, haram, haram, ok, haram, haram.. " while pointing to the food or image of it. But I must aware to coz he'll say "haram" to expensive thing :D.

Dreaming this was an advertisement for KFC Hungary.

Third, I can't cook. Err...ok, no need further explanation for this. :D

Be grateful for those who live in muslim country or have major group of muslim there. You can find easily halal food. But it makes us not aware to what we eat actually ( in this case in Indonesia). We just think all meat and food are halal there without thinking much about it and give all the work to MUI for halal sign. It's a nice life indeed. Well, just open your eyes and read till your eyes bleed before you eat ( nice rime...:P) You don't want to eat something without Allah blessing, do you?

* The rest of the food ingredient numbers codes can be found here
**The poor pig image is taken from this interesting blog about pig

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