Postcard Sender

Monday, December 20, 2010

Culture Shock : Toilet

I notice I've written about this before. I can't help, toilet's always be my first problem when going abroad. I'm just not comfortable with European kind of toilet with no water, toilet paper only. I know it's not as uncomfortable as people are watching you while you're doing private thing in toilet.

(*A toilet in Newzealand. Wondering what kind of expression you can bear guys? :D)

My only problem with toilet is I need water! Ok, Actually, these days even in Indonesia you can find this kind of toilet especially in big mall or luxury hotels that none of them using water anymore. I can take it in occasionally event but deal with that everyday is other thing.

Can you imagine when you poo while you are in period also and what you have only toilet paper to clean your a**?! yupe that's double "eeew". I told this to hubby and we decided to find something to end my misery. Instead of finding bailer and bucket we found this:

yupe it's a jug measurement. :D Couldn't find any better to substitute those.. If one day you happen to visit me and find that thing in my know what's that for ; )

*The toilet picture's taken from here

1 comment:

  1. hehehehe...sama dhit. mutia jg sll bermasalah ma toilet. tp persoalannya bkn ma aer tp ma kebersihannya:). baek2 disana ya dhit.
